Saturday, June 16, 2012

Poems, Poems and Poems!

Frame It
By Hanna Jones

This poem is about how life goes so fast...

When your first cry happened
Did your mother burst out laughing?
Did your grandmas heart filled with joy?
Was your father unemployed?
If you were to frame it

When you first started to walk
Were you wearing a tiny pink frock?
Was your toy box brimming with toy?
Was your Aunt having a boy?
If you were to frame it

When you got your first haircut
Did your mother want to erupt?
Was your Daddy late for work?
If you were to frame it

When you stepped into middle school
Did you feel like a fool?
Did you own purple skinny jeans?
Were all those girls all that mean?
If you were to frame it

When you got your first job
Were your co-workers all slobs?
Did you come to work a mess?
Did you spill coffee on your favorite dress?
If you were to frame it

When you got married
Were you kind?
Could you keep him off your mind?
Was there any temper fits?
Did you cheat or have a fit?
If you were to frame it

When you saw your first gray hair
did you throw your hands in the air?
Were you wearing pink underwear?
If you were to frame it

When you had your first grandkid
Did you wear a Mickey-Mouse T-shirt?
Did you laugh until it hurt?
If you were to frame it

When you were about to die
Did your husband hold your hand?
Did your life slip to fast?
Was your body wrapped in a cast?
If you were to frame it

On your funeral day
Was it all rainy and gray?
Did the mourners weep?
Was it all to surreal to keep?
If you were to frame it

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